Sierra Nevada Airstreams -|- Memories -|- Sierra Nevada Unit

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Sierra Nevada Unit

Rally & Luncheon Reviews – 2000

These are the reviews of SNU luncheons and rallies that were published in SNU newsletters. Records before 2004 are not complete as not all newsletters were available. In addition many activities were not documented in newsletters or information that was written was incomplete.

February 2000 – Lunch at the Carson City Nugget

Frank & Steve Burnham

We had an excellent February lunch at the Carson City Nugget attended by Elenere Amidon, the Burnhams, Clarks, Groschs, Fred Hersey, Betty Kophammer, Diane Leipper, Dale and Virginia Leipper, the Pauls and Doug Webb. We’re hoping that the Clarks will be able to come the next time as well and then maybe join the club, Our number was down due to illness in the ranks. Trying to find time, place, and suitable to all is becoming more and more of a challenge.

March 2000 – Lunch at Heidi’s in Reno

Frank & Steve Burnham

We had a small but congenial group at Heidis in Reno. In attendance were Elenere Amidon, the Burnhams, Marge Grosch, Betty Kophammer, Diane Leipper, Dale and Virginia Leipper, Pete Rinne and the Webb’s. All had an enjoyable meal and good conversations.

April 2000 - Luncheon at Viva La Pasta in Fallon

Frank & Steve Burnham

Our April lunch at Viva La Pasta in Fallon was, to my mind, a huge success. We had sixteen members and two guests in attendance. Our guests were Don and Carol Thrift of the Oregon Unit. When we broke up they were members of the Sierra Nevada Unit. They are in the process of moving from Oregon to Graeagle, CA. That is a few miles north of Reno off US 70 (Feather river canyon route) and is sort of a retirement, recreation community. They will pay their 2001 dues in our Unit which is closest to them. Members also in attendance were Elenere Amidon, Browns, Burnhams, Damoths, Alma George, Groschs, Betty Kopfhammer, Diane Leipper, the other Leippers and the Pauls. The Damoths celebrated combined birthdays with cake furnished by Viva la Pasta. This was their first activity having joined a couple of years ago and immediately too off for the East and now just returned to Reno. We expect to see more of them this summer.

May 2000 - Rally at Washoe Lake

Frank & Steve Burnham

The May rally at Washoe Lake Sate Park was a huge success, in spite of some not so great weather. Thursday and Frida were pretty good, aside from being windy, but Saturday turned very cold with rain just as we were ready to sit down and eat. It was still windy and cold Sunday morning breakfast but there were no complaints. There were six Unit trailers/motorhomes and one guest trailer. Present for the entire rally were the Burnhams, Damoths, Grosches, Betty Kopfhammer, Dale and Virginia Leipper, Bryan and Diane Leipper. The guests from the Oregon Unit were Bob and Susan Vandeneuvel (4921). Both the Grosches and the Burnhams had met them at the Dayton International rally last year. They were passing through the area and called Grosches to vail themselves of their guest parking spot but we were rallying so Marge left them a message and they found us, They planned on just one night at the rally but had so much fun they stayed for the whole rally. Elenere Amidon, the Hersey, Cordiers and Pauls were there for parts of the rally. We found out that grits may be an acquired taste although everyone tried the ham and grits with red eye gravy.

August 2000 – Hamburger Fry at Grosch’s

Steve Burnham

The last unit gathering was a hamburger fry at Grosch’s in August attended by a very congenial group of members and guests. Present were Elenere Amidon, Fran & Steve Burnham, Von Gallion and 4 house guests. Dale & Marge Grosch, Fred Hersey, Betty Kopfhammer, Len and Virginia Paul and Pete Rinne. A good time was had by all.

September 2000 – Lunch at Grandma Hattie’s

Steve Burnham

There were 18 people present for lunch at Grandma Hattie’s in Carson City in September. Your President, Dale Grosch and Marge did not make it back in time – so they missed a good lunch. Present were Elenere Amidon, Darrel & Rose Barron, Frank & Steve Burnham, Chuck & Beverley Cordier, Don & MaryLou Damoth, Fred & Ann Hersey, Betty Kopfhammer, Virginia & Diane Leipper, Pete Rinne, Doug Webb, and Milan & Eloise Wight. Darrell & Rose Barron were introduced as our newest Unit members – Welcome.

October 2000 – picnic at Bowers Mansion

Steve Burnham

The October brown bag/pot luck lunch at Bowers Mansion was very nice and the wind and cold held off for us. Present were Elenere Amidon, Frank & Steve Burnham, Dale & Marge Grosch, Betty Kopfhammer, Diane & Virginia Leipper, Len & Virginia Paul and Pete Rinne. Everyone enjoyed the picnic.

December 2000 – Holiday Lunch at the Burnham’s

Steve Burnham

About 16 people came to the xmas brunch and gift exchange, and had a good time. Fred Hersey did the honors as Santa Clause. The Grosch’s came complete with trailer so that they could make a fast exit afterwards so that they could beat the threatening snow to Washington Sate. Guess they almost made it but did run into some snow before they made it all the way and sat in a bunch of snow after they got there. It was great to see Alma again. She does not venture out often,

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