These are the reviews of SNU luncheons and rallies that were published in SNU newsletters. Records before 2004 are not complete as not all newsletters were available. In addition many activities were not documented in newsletters or information that was written was incomplete.
Those of you who missed the January lunch inCarson City missed out on a fine meeting. In attendance were Elenere Amidon, Browns, Burnhams. Cordiers, Alma George, the Grosches, Diane Leipper, Dale & Virginia Leipper, the Pauls and Pete Rinne. A real good turnout.
We had our last meeting and lunch at Jerry’s in Fallon. The accommodations were great, the food was just what you ordered, and the service was excellent. In attendance were Elenere Amidon, the Browns, Burnhams, Cordiers, Alma George, Diane Leipper, Dale and Virginia Leipper, the Pauls, and Pete Rinne. We seem to be getting good turnouts for our lunches.
The March brunch at the Restaraunte Orozko in Sparks was great. We had a very good turnout and welcomed Richard and Toni Lowden as new members. In attendance were the Browns, Burnhams, Raphael Gamboa, Alma George, Bryan and Diane Leipper, Dale & Virginia Leipper, Lowdens, Pete Rinne and Neal Temen. It was great to see Raphael Gamboa and Neal Temen, we hope we will see them both more often.
First, we should report on the very successful lunch at the Leipper’s on the 18th. The Bar-B-Que was a huge success. Many thanks to both sets of Leippers for fixing all the food, providing tables, chairs and a delightfully shady back yard. We had a threatening two drops of rain just to let us know that we didn’t run everything, but it did not damen spirits at all. It was attended by Elenere Amidon, the Browns, Burnhams, Cordiers, Gallions, Groschs, four Leipper, the Pauls, Pete Rinne, and th Wights. A grand count of twenty people! The food and company was great. It is already scheduled for next year! Alma George had planned on being there but was having medical problems; we sure missed her.
The rally at Fort Churchill State Historic Site was a quiet relaxed weekend. Five trailers came for the three day weekend. They were the Burnhams, Cordiers, Grosches and two Leipper trailers. Others came out for dinners. On Thursday Elenere Amidon and a potential new member, Fred and Ann Hersey came for dinner. On Saturday we had the Gallions, Pete Rinne, the Pauls, Lee Brown, and Alma George. There was plenty of food and everyone had a good time. We voted to do it all over again at the same place next fall. The success of a rally is in the participation of members. Everyone who came with a trailer helped with the food. The Leippers made coffee, Marge Grosch and Beverly Cordier cooked vegetables and made salads, Burnhams did breakfasts and cooked the entrees, Virginia and Diane Leipper did the bacon and sausages, Virginia Leipper provided a salad, and most impressive was Virginia Leipper’s gorgeous birthday cake for the Saturday birthday celebrations. Marge Grosch scrambled the eggs which were supplied by Diane’s chickens. A special thanks to all!!
Several happy Airstreamers gathered for lunch at Bavarian World in Reno on October 7. Attending this gathering of the Sierra Nevada Unit were Elenere Amidon, Lee and Sue Brown, Frank and Steve Burnham, Charles and Beverly Cordier, Alma George, Dale and Marge Grosch, Fred and Ann Hersey, Bryan Leipper, Dale Leipper, Len and Virginia Paul, and Pete Rinne. There were two brief matters of business to attend to, even though the environment was rather noisy as there was another group in the same area. In spite of that, it was moved by Charles Cordier that the slate of officers for 2000 be elected as nominated at the previous business meeting. The vote was unanimous. President Frank Burnham then introduced Fred and Ann Hersey to the Unit membership and welcomed them as new members. A formal induction will need to be done at a quieter time and place! In spite of the noise from two groups in a confined space, the food was great and everyone enjoyed the meeting.
The November get together at Grandma Hatties was well attended. Region First Vice President Rick Sharp, accompanied by his wife Margaret, was guest of honor and did the installation of year 2000 officers as well as induct new member Fred Hersey, (Ann Hersey had a conflicting appointment so was not inducted,) Other guests were Anita Leipper and Dough and Barbara Webb. The full list of those attending is Elenere Amidon, the Browns, Burnhams, Alma George, the Grosches, Fred Hersey, Betty Kopfhammer, Dale and Virginia Leipper, Diane Leipper, the Pauls, Sharps, and Webbs. The Webbs have since joined and we hope to induct them at the Christmas party.
The annual Christmas part at the Burnhams was a huge success. Attending were Elenere Amidon, Lee & Sue Brown, Frank & Steve Burnham, Alma George, Dale & Marge Grosch, Betty Kopfhammer, Diane Leipper, Dale & Virginia Leipper, Leonard & Virginia Paul, Pete Rinne and Doug & Barbara Webb. The Webb’s were inducted as new members. Dale Grosch stood in for Santa Claus for the gift exchange.
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