These are the reviews of SNU luncheons and rallies that were published in SNU newsletters. Records before 2004 are not complete as not all newsletters were available. In addition many activities were not documented in newsletters or information that was written was incomplete.
Our last luncheon/meeting at J.M.s Restaurant in Reno was attended by Elenere Amidon, Browns, Burnhams. Alma George, Groschs, Pauls, Bryan & Diane Leipper, Pete Rinne, Betty Kopfhammer, Thank you Steve for setting this up.
Our last get-together in February at the Pinion Plaza, Carson City, was well attended by our loyal troops. There is never any doubt about the success there as all the good elements are present such as a wide selection of food to choose from at a ridiculous low price. Those who came to eat and socialize were: Elenere Amidon, Browns, Burnhams, Alma George, Grosch, Betty Kopfhammer, Pete Rinne, Leippers, Diane Leipper. We also had a guest, Rober Eisan, who with a little luck may become a new member.
Our last luncheon/meeting at Josef’s Bakery was well attended. Present were Elenere Amidon, Browns, Burnhams, Alma George, Grosch, Betty Kopfhammer, the Pauls, Pete Rinne, Bryan & Diane Leipper. Smiths and Temens. Thank you Steve for making the arrangements for me during my absence. The Food was very good,
The June brown bag luncheon at Washoe Lake was attended by the Leippers, Diane, Elenere Amidon and Pete Rinne, From what I heard they had a great time even though it was cool and wet. In July we met at the Bowers Mansion with our lunch and it was really fun and what a beautiful park. The above were present and Dale and myself.
We had a real nice time at the Leipper's. The group was small because of illness and vacation. Those who came and tasted the delicious food Leipper's prepared were Burnhams, Groschs, Pauls, Pete Rinne and of course Leippers. Diane did an excellent job with the barbecue. It was a very nice get together with the group.
Our Lake Lahontan Rally is now history. This was again one of the most gratifying ones. It was a different kind of weather, some wind, rain and cool but we enjoyed every moment of it.
Those attending were: Dale, Virginia, Bryan and Diane Leipper, Dale & Marge Grosch, and our Region 12 President David Hunter and First Lady Billie. Also one guest David Guaw (Gmur). Lee Brown came for a visit and Steve and Brank Burnham on Saturday for the meeting and salad luncheon. Margaret and Von Gallion visited us for the Barbecue on Saturday night. We sure missed Vesta and Neal Temen and Virginia and Len Paul. Vesta and Virginia are still on the sick list.
Another good reason for the rally’s success is, and we all know that it does not just happen spontaneously, that someone has put in a heck of a lot of work and this time the persons were all of us. It was very well planned and even in the rain we managed to have our meals under the awning which turned out to be very cozy,
Our Brunch at the Ormsby House was very well attended. Present were: Elenere Amidon, Browns, Burnhams, Cordiers, Alma George, Groschs, Leppers, Diane & Bryan Leipper, Palus, Pete Rinne, Neal Temen and guests Milan and Eloise Wight, Our new members Chuck and Beverly Cordier were initiated to our Unit, Also Bryan and Diane transferred to our Unit. We welcome all of you. We also have a new associated member Milan and Eloise Wight who are members of the NorCal Unit and have moved to Truckee. Welcome.
The November luncheon meeting at the Airport Plaza Restaurant in Reno was a special one as it was the Installation of our Officers for 1999. Thank you Dale for doing a good job. Present were: Burnhams, Leippers, Diane, Bryan and Virginia, Elenere Amidon, Pauls, Cordiers, Pete Rinne and Grosches. We missed our loyal members the Browns, Alma George, and Dale Leipper. Hope all of you are feeling better. I congratulate the new officers. Our Unit is 17 members and 2 associate members strong.
For those of you who missed the Grosch's Christmas Party, it was a marvelous gathering. Elenere Amidon, the Browns, Burnhams, Cordiers, Alma George, the Groschs, Leippers and Leippers, Pauls, and Pete Rinne brought the number to seventeen. The food and companionship were both outstanding. Thanks to the Grosch's!
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