Sierra Nevada Airstreams -|- Memories -|- Sierra Nevada Unit

Enjoyment of the whispering winds, the zephyrs, the airstreams of the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin areas of the United States in a recreational vehicle.

Sierra Nevada Unit

Rally & Luncheon Reviews - 1997

These are the reviews of SNU luncheons and rallies that were published in SNU newsletters. Records before 2004 are not complete as not all newsletters were available. In addition many activities were not documented in newsletters or information that was written was incomplete.

February 1997 – Luncheon unknown location

Dale Grosch

Our last luncheon/meeting was well attended and enjoyed. Present were: Elenere Amidon, the Browns, Burnhams, Alma George, Groschs, Betty Kopfhammer, Leippers, Diane Leipper, Pete Rinne and guest Mary Johnson

March 1997 – Luncheon at the Grosch’s

Marge Grosch

Our March meeting was held in our house and was great as usual with the following in attendance Elenere Amidon, the Browns, Burnhams, Alma George, Groschs, Betty Kopfhammer, Pete Rinne and guest Mary Johnson.

April 1997 – Luncheon at the Atlantis

Marge Grosch

Our last luncheon/meeting was held at the Atlantis and was very well attended. Present were Elenere Amidon, the Browns, Burnhams, Alma George, Groschs, Betty Kopfhammer, Leippers, Diane Leipper, Pauls, Pete Rinne and guest Karl-heinz Glitz

August 1997 - Luncheon at Marie Calendar's

Marge Grosch

We had a good turnout for the group fro brunch at Marie Calendar's in Reno. Those who came and enjoyed were: Elenere Amidon, Burnhams, Groschs, Pauls, Alma George, Pete Rinne, Bryan and Diane Leipper. It's so nice to get together with the group even in the limited manner in which we do. We sure missed the Browns however, they are one of our most loyal members and would have been there if Lee had not been in L.A. for medical reasons with skin problems caused by that nasty sun. Also Betty Kopfhammer has been ill and missed, Hope you are on the mend.

September 1997 - Rally at Lahontan

Marge Grosch

Our Lake Lahontan Rally is now history. We have been going to Airstream Rallies since 1975 and none has been as gratifying as this one. As strange as it may seem, due to the makeup of the unit, many have not pulled their trailers to a Sierra Nevada Unit Rally in five years. This in itself was special, however, the real icing on the cake came when two perspective members came and looked us and our trailers over and decided to join WBCCI. We have not been able to touch ground since.

Those two new couples are Micheal and Debbie Smith and Neil and Vesta Teman. The Smiths are young, highly motivated couple enjoying life to its maximum, being involved with antique cars and other exciting activities. Neil and Vesta Temen who are a little older but very young at heart wanting to get out and enjoy the world as we do with our Airstreams. We are delighted to have these two couples as new members and looking forward to officially welcoming them into our unit.

Yet another occurrence that added to the enjoyment of the event and that was the maiden voyage of the Paul’s new/old Bambi trailer. Yes this was the first outing for them in their bundle of joy since its purchase. If our reading of their experience is correct, we will see much more of them and their bundle of joy down the road. Pete Rinne had not pulled his unit for some time, is talking of further travels which is great, by the waym there is more good news – the group had so much fun they want to do it again.

Another good reason for the Rally’s success is and we all know that it does not just happen spontaneously, that someone has put in a heck of a lot of work and that person and persons are the rally hosts Leippers and their son Bryan and daughter Diane. The Burnhams as usual provided much help in seeing to it that we were all well fed. Many thanks to them, simply stated, these rallies don’t succeed without members such as these.

October 1997- Luncheon Liberty Belle

Marge Grosch

Our Installation meeting was well attended. Present were: Elenere Amidon, Browns, Burnhams. Gallions, Alma George, Groschs, Diane Leipper, Leippers, Pete Rinne, Temens and our guests David Huner and his First Lady Billie. David, our Region XII President installed the officers. It was especially nice to have our Region Officers present at this time. For several of our members who haven't been able to get to the Region or International get-to-gethers this gave them a chance to enjoy the pageantry to a small degree which prevails at a higher livel.

December 1997 - Luncheon at the Grosch's

Marge Grosch

Our Christmas gathering at our home seemed to be enjoyed by all. With Betty's help, we put together a very tasty dinner. This must be a true statement if the fact that there were very little leftovers, has merit. Those who helped consume it all were: Elenere Amidon, Sue Brown, Frank & Steve Burnham, Dale & Marge Grosch, Len & Virginia Paul, Betty Kopfhammer, Alma George, Pete Rinne, Virginia & Dale Leipper, Diane Leipper and Vesta & Neal Teman. Since Lee had to go to Southern California, Sue did the driving, we missed all our other members.

Participation in 1997 SNU activities

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